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The change you want to see in Ward 6.

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For the Change you want to see in Ward 6.

I have lived in London for 41 years (and in Ward 6 for the past year), having moved here for a job in IT at The University of Western Ontario.  I believe that technology is crucial to the efficient operation of the city, and that my 40 years in the Western University IT department will be a special asset to this city council.


I was blessed to have raised 3 children, while working, which left me little time to pay attention to what was going on around me in London, and to be honest, none of the issues that we faced then seemed to affect me, however, now I can see  these issues growing, and I truly want to be a voice of reason in this current economic climate of inflation.


In 2003, at the age of 43, I decided to take advantage of working at Western and this motivated me to enroll as a mature student in Social Science (Criminology and Psychology). Twelve years later, I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (my daughter who was at Kings graduated at the same time). Two years later, I finished a Western Diploma in Writing.


Now that I am retired, and my three children have left the nest, it is time for me to give back to my community. I have made the decision to run as London City Councillor in Ward 6 (I will give 100% to this position), and I hope to bring my years of experience in IT (organizational skills, adaptability, knowledge of IT) to London city council.




What I will bring to the position of City Councillor - Ward 6:

  • Leadership

  • Accountability

  • Transparency

  • Integrity

  • Voice of Reason



Your concerns matter





I am passionate about the issues in London:


Affordable housing


Infrastructure (increasing costs)

Financial responsibility

Bus Rapid Transit (make the system now in place better)

Crime (on the rise in the city)

Climate Emergency Action Plan


Becky Williamson



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